Integrating your Facebook profile into Qlikview
This blog will explain how to implement your Facebook
analytics into Qlikview using QVSource
Facebook connecter.
Steps in installing QVsource:
- You can download one month free trail virsion of QVsource at
- Once you are able to install and run QVSource into your system it will list out various connectors available.
3. Double click on Facebook personal connector( for
getting tables and data related to your personal Facebook account.
4.Click on authenticate for authenticating with your Facebook account.
5 5. Once authentication is done we should be able to
view tables and it’s data from “Connector Data” tab.
6.Load script for extracting this table data will
be “Qlikview Load Script”
Sample KPIs that we can implement with above tables:
- Month wise count of birthdays
- Top 10 Locations having highest number of friends.
- Gender pie chart distribution
- Filtering using age group and home town
- Searching based on name and display of birthdays.
- Deeper analytics:
- Page likes made by friends
Trend analysis for friends page likes and total page Likes for that page in FB
- Likes by gender and category
- Total likes made by each friend
- All Status updates made by friends and basic status analytic:
Hope it helps you.:))